Let's face it people - not many of us are exactly thrilled when we hear that irritating alarm ring on Monday morning. After 2 days of bliss (read weekend), going back to office is the last thing any of us would want (if you do like Mondays, we can recommend psychiatrists). And the less said about the pay, the better.

Well, Pyper lists down 5 incredibly cool things you could be doing with your life instead. And guess what? They pay probably 10 times of what you are earning now. Disclaimer: If you do hand in your resignation to your boss post reading this, we would require a party!
1. Fashion InfluencingIf you enjoy fashion and you know what A-line and color blocking are, you just might love fashion blogging as well. A case in point is Danielle Bernstein who started her own fashion blog (We Wore What) in college. Cut to today and this multi-millionaire is one of the biggest Instagram celebrities with over 1.9 m followers. Did we mention that she is also launching her own label? Big brands might just be waiting for you too.

2. Travel Blogging
This is an absolute no-brainer. Who doesn't like going to exotic places, meeting new people, getting to know cultures and new food? Well, not only can you do all of that but you can make money in the process. Don't believe us? Check out the huge number of travel bloggers everywhere. We have just tagged Kiki (The Blonde Abroad) because we absolutely love her blog. The hotels pay for her stay (of course she has to vlog about them on Instagram), the airlines for the tickets and the restaurants for the food. Know a better profession?

3. Food Blogging
Are you one of them who loves leaving reviews on Zomato or Yelp? Irrespective of whether you cook yourself or not, if you enjoy food, eating out, experimenting with new dishes and places to eat, you should consider a career as a food influencer. Check out Chungah Rhee on Instagram - her dishes can be prepared in less than 10 minutes (seriously). When big brands (think Nestle, Heinz Ketchup) release their new products, who do you think they turn to endorse their food? You do get paid for the endorsements but you know why it's authentic? Because you genuinely like their products.

4. Fitness Influencing
Do you spend more time at the gym than anywhere else? Do you actually look forward to leg days (seriously)? If you answered yes to both and if you have a flair for photography, why not try and become a fitness influencer? People like Joe Wicks have inspired thousands to adopt a healthier lifestyle. When Nike, Adidas and other big brands release their gym clothes, it's people like Joe who reap the benefits by endorsing the brands he genuinely loves on social media. Oh btw, he just bought a 1.3 mn house from his earning.

5. Beauty Influencing
If you are wondering how is it different from being a fashion influencer, boy are you in for a ride. This is probably the biggest segment of them all where brands like MAC, Estee Lauder, L'Oreal and tons of others offer ridiculous amounts of money to influencers like Huda Kattan (photo above). If you are comfortable being in front of the camera, sharing your makeup tricks and getting your marketing A game on, you stand to be the face of the biggest brands of them all. Huda makes $18k per Instagram post - just saying.
How do I start?
We have barely scratched the surface in this blog. There are so many micro influencers out there who have challenged the conventional career to make it big. We will be covering them in the next few blogs.
It is definitely competitive, but it's absolutely worth it. Start small and steady (platforms like Pyper give you a great headstart) with your present job and you will know when it's time to spread your wings. Go get them!